The Fractal project
Fractal is a platform for managing and analyzing the large amounts of data produced in high-resolution optical microscopy experiments as part of biomedical research. eXact lab
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Fractal is a platform for managing and analyzing the large amounts of data produced in high-resolution optical microscopy experiments as part of biomedical research. eXact lab
The large number of devices connected to the Internet has led to exponential growth in data. IoT (Internet of Things) technology has enabled communication between
The approach to application deployment has changed dramatically over the past two decades. When low-cost basic servers replaced mainframes in the late 1990s and early
What is a Data Lake A Data Lake is a repository used for storing data in their native format and from diverse and inhomogeneous sources.
Overcoming the PoC phase becomes easy and immediate and quickly brings ML and AI projects into a productive environment Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are increasingly
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Obbligo di pubblicazione aiuti e contributi pubblici, L 124/2017: l’elenco dettagliato e completo disponibile a questo link
Progetto C3HPCeX promosso da eXact lab e finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia nell’ambito POR FESR 2014-2020. Attività 2.3.B.1 “Aiuti agli Investimenti delle PMI – Introduzione di Servizi e Tecnologie Innovative relative all’ICT” DGR 572/2017
eXact lab s.r.l. | via Crispi, 56 – 34126 Trieste (Italy) | +39 040 9719258 | P.IVA/CF 01207340322 | Cod.REA: TS – 132718 | Cap. soc. € 30.000 | © 2023 eXact lab. All rights reserved.