eXact lab develops solutions and provides on-demand services in the High Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Data market.
Founded in 2011 by three professionals with a long experience in the field of scientific computing for research, eXact lab has grown steadily and evolved from a company aimed mainly at the technical-scientific simulation market to a company planning innovative solutions based on HPC systems for a data-driven market.
The team, in addition to covering all areas related to High Performance Computing (acquisition, configuration and maintenance of infrastructures, scientific software development and optimization), has expertise in the most innovative open source technologies (OpenStack, Kubernetes, Microservices) for the implementation point of integrated services.
eXact lab also carries out relevant training and education activities on the entire portfolio of skills of our team.
For eXact lab, human resources are the engine of the company and of innovation. For this reason, in recent years the company has invested heavily in the training of young talents, creating a top-level research and development team.
Our values
We are a company that does everything with creativity and innovation, driven by a passion for our work and aware of the responsibility we have towards our customers, our employees and the environment in which we operate.
eXact lab becomes a Benefit Company
eXact lab today becomes a Benefit Company, an innovative legal form that allows us to achieve, in addition to our profit objectives, a further objective that has always been in our hearts: to have a positive impact on the society in which we operate.
Nothing changes in the commitment to our customers and in commercial activities, but we are adding a fundamental aspect for us: the creation of shared value.
This is why we dedicate some of our time to carry out projects in favor of the community of which we are a part.
We have actions in mind for:
- encourage an informed approach to data and stimulate the adoption of open data
- offer digital skills to young people and teach them to get informed awarely
- promote inclusion and job placement without nationality constraints, through the development of ad-hoc training courses that we will follow personally
We are network members of the BioHighTech Net enterprise network
We atre founders of the HPC5 high performance and cloud computing cross-border comptence consortium
We are a Partner of the European ETP 4 HPC network
The stages of our journey
eXact lab confirms its commitment to ensure high quality standards of the services offered with a view to business improvement and growth
eXact lab moves from the Miramare offices to the new headquarters in the center of Trieste, in front of the Rossetti Theater
eXact lab is developing Panama, an integrated software platform to transfer ML and AI models to production in a fast, secure and scalable way
The Mise ministry co-finances the European Red Sea project to promote research and development projects in the field of high performance computing (HPC)
eXact lab is a partner of the European project NFFA-Europe PILOT-NEP for which it develops and manages all the data infrastructure
eXact lab begins the collaboration with the University and the ETH of Zurich
eXact lab is the leader of the Ares project for the fight against glioblastoma
eXact lab is the innovative company winner of the Friuli Innovazione BeStartUp 2017 competition
eXact lab adheres to the Biohightech-net network agreement between companies in the health sector
eXact lab launches the C3HPC a technologically advanced infrastructure for the distribution and provision of on-demand HPC services for companies
eXact lab releases a cloud platform for seismic risk assessment
At the end of November 2011, the eXact lab was born in Trieste

Stefano Cozzini
Bringing HPC from research to industry

Francesco De Giorgi
Co-Founder & CEO
Simplifying HPC to accelerate digital transformation in SMBs

Moreno Baricevic
Acquire new skills, explore new worlds, seek new life and new civilizations, daredevil go where no man has gone before