The demand
NFFA-EUROPE PILOT (NEP) aims at expanding and consolidating the operation of a Interoperable Distributed Research Infrastructure for Nanoscience (IDRIN) supporting research on materials and functional systems at the nanoscale and at the microscale. NEP provides a unique overarching offer of experimental and theoretical facilities to be combined to suit user needs ranging from materials synthesis, growth, nanofabrication to nanocharacterization, microscopy and spectroscopies also with fine analysis methods at large scale X and neutron radiation sources, and to numerical simulation.
The activity
In addition to the management of the datastore, all the interfaces of the underlying database, and the creation of a metadata superstructure, a tool will be created that researchers and scientists in the project can use to navigate the data. They will be able to search by different characteristics (metadata) on a mass of data that must be easily accessible by teams of different nationalities and must be organized in such a way that it is easily found and reusable according to FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability) principles. The tool will use AI and ML technologies to help users organizing and searching data.
The benefits
The datastore will be a sharing platform among users participating in the projects and will collect all documents produced within the projects
The AI/ML platform will serve for automatic classification of images in both supervised and non-supervised modes and will also help to add information to all data that had not been classified of the past.
The client
22 partners from 9 European Union member States will collaborate to achieve the goal of increasing European competitiveness in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
The NFFA-Europe PILOT-NEP project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 call INFRAIA-03-2020: Pilot for a new model of Integrating Activities and coordinated by the National Research Council’s Institute for Materials Workshop (CNR-IOM).